Looking for original writing and art that smashes patriarchy, erodes the bedrock of capitalism, disrobes neo-colonialism and military imperialism, gives voice to ecosystems, watersheds and the animals that call them home, challenges stereotypes, lambasts consumer cultural, empowers people, corrects narratives, or re-imagines a better world for our collective future.

Use your real name or a pseudonym!

Keep it short and punchy. 1000 words or less. Preferably less.

Provide pictures if able! or some ideas on how to illustrate your work.

Word doc/Google Doc format preferred, or in the text of the email.

therevolutionistgj@gmail.com (news tips and leaked info can be sent here as well. Encrypt on your end to protect yourself, we don’t snitch.)

or hard copy submission can be sent to: (we cannot return unused submission)

The Revolutionist

P.O. Box 163

Fruita CO 81521